Shreewire’s Knitted Mesh Products
Shreewire produces a high quality, versatile, knitted mesh from a vast materials offering a high degree of creativity and expertise. Our skilled design and development team will endeavor to ensure that the code characteristic and specification are chosen for each individual application. A changed criteria might be the diameter of wire [0.08 to 0.5mm], the number and the shapes and size of the stitch..
The majority of the material we use is 100% recyclable, which is becoming more of a global issue in many areas of industry.From a vast range of raw materials we can advise on the best
possible choice optimum performance and life expectancy in almost any application.

Stainless Steel Grade AISI 302, 304, 3161, 321, 309, 314, 310S
Super Alloys: Inconel 601, Incoloy DS, Hastaloy,Carpenter 20, Monel
Others: Aluminium, Copper, Brass, Mild Steel[plain and galvanized], Polypropylene,
and any other continuous filament material supplied as a wire or yarn
Knitted Mesh Rolls, Demister Mist, Clear-mesh,
Anti-vandal Mesh, Grease Filters and Framed Filter,
Anti Vibration Mounts, Heavy Duty Seal
RFI / EMI Shielding Vibration and Shock Absorption
Air and Liquid Filtration Noise Supression Heat
Transfer and Insulation EMI/RFI Shielding
Mist Elimination and Process Separation, Flame Arrestors,
Engine Catalysts
Filters Oil and Air Breather Elements
Catalytic Converter Mesh Insulator Blanket Mesh
Mufflers and Silencers
Copper Mesh Oil-Bath Separators
Mist Elimination Pads Ground Wire Mesh